Honors program

Honors Program

Honors Program

文森斯大学荣誉课程向所有希望充分发挥自己才能的专业的优秀学生开放. Through a combination of honors courses, leadership opportunities, cultural events, and creative activity, 荣誉课程的目的是提高学生的智力生活谁参与以及大学的学术界.

荣誉课程的学生因参与这一特殊课程而出类拔萃. Academic honors 可能是荣誉学生和澳门足球博彩官方网址其他学生的额外区别. The Honors Program definitely has its advantages, including scholarships, enrichment activities, and special academic 好处.

Benefits of Honors Program Participation

  1. 员工优先考虑的知识和技能的广度和深度
  2. 一个学习社区,为成绩优异的学生提供交流的机会
  3. 领导的机会和个性化的学习机会与教师
  4. Field trips and social events
  5. 在专业课程中有独特的、增强的学习机会、经验和项目
  6. 课程满足大学核心课程要求以及阅读/写作和口语强化要求 
  7. Program participation scholarship of about $250 each semester
  8. 住在澳门足球博彩官方网址宿舍的学生每学期最高可获得500美元的住房补助,并优先与其他高gpa和荣誉学生一起住在宿舍房间
  9. 申请额外奖学金和指导的机会
  10. Official transcript reflects Honors Program course completion

honors program courses information

What Do I Actually Do in the Honors Program?

Good question! 荣誉课程要求的设计是灵活的,并响应你的学术目标, 利益, and course schedules. The requirements include interesting and rewarding course projects, guided independent research, 和专业发展的机会,所有在澳门足球博彩官方网址的时间.  这些活动和经验发生在三个主要要求中, with one requirement completed each semester. The requirements are explained below.

Requirement I: Honors Seminar Course

荣誉研讨会是一门通识教育课程,探索世界各地和历史上的文化现象.  荣誉研讨会是一门写作/阅读和口语强化课程,满足UCC选修课的要求, depending on your degree plan. It’s the only “stand-alone” course required for the program.

In Honors Seminar, we’ll study major foundational elements of society; they may include government, 技术, 医学, artistry and expression, 不平等, 宗教, and so much more.  澳门足球博彩官方网址研究这些问题是为了了解它们是如何不断重复出现的,尤其是在当今社会.  As a part of this study, one goal is to study the leaders of the past (kings, philosophers, revolutionaries) and present (tech geniuses, 业务 leaders, 总统)并找出他们塑造文化的角色,这样澳门足球博彩官方网址就能看到塑造澳门足球博彩官方网址的未来是多么有可能.

Requirement II: Honors Impact Project

Do you want to get the most you can out of your major? Do you want to best prepare yourself for your dream career? 荣誉影响将荣誉经历与主修课程联系起来. 你将与你专业的一位老师单独合作,并完成“荣誉影响”,这样你就可以获得更多的经验,并对你的职业领域有更深入的了解——比班上其他人所做的都要多. This course counts for your major program credit, 而且在你的成绩单上也被列为荣誉课程.


  • 一个额外的以研究为基础的项目,以一篇论文或报告的形式结束.
  • A unique exploration or experience with the course’s topics, perhaps through an internship or service project.
  • An active leadership task in class meetings, through leading discussions or demonstrations as applicable.
  • An active leadership role outside of class meetings, 通过同侪辅导/学习课程为班上其他学生提供支持和指导, or other mentorship and service.

Requirement III: Honors Capstone Research & Professional Development

荣誉项目希望给所有学生一个机会去探索他们关心的项目. 它可能是你的专业,也可能是你感兴趣的东西. Almost anything can be a Capstone Research Project, including research essays, new works or creations, demonstrations, internships and service learning projects, and much more.  你和一位教师一起完成研究,并为你开发合适的项目. After you’re done, 你与文森斯大学社区分享你的发现并庆祝你的成就, 你的家人, and yours friends.

Additionally, you’ll assist in hosting seminars with speakers from education, 业务, 政治, and other community and thought leaders. 这些研讨会为建立文森斯大学以外的关系提供了宝贵的交流机会.  

最后, 你把你所有的工作放在一起,创建一个荣誉作品集,包括荣誉项目的主要项目和其他材料,这将为你未来的努力做好最好的准备, tailored to your goals and discipline.


Upon completing these requirements, 你会对你的主题有更广泛的了解(你知道雇主会喜欢的),而且会有更好的批判性思考和解决问题的能力(雇主经常告诉澳门足球博彩官方网址,这是他们最希望员工具备的两种品质), regardless of major or job). 你会发展友谊,培养与老师和其他人的联系,这将在你高中毕业后很好地跟随你. 最后的, but certainly not least, 你会省下一点钱,这要感谢为荣誉学生提供的津贴和奖学金. Sounds like a win-win for everyone, right?

Honors Program Testimonials

Honor Student Testimonials

  • “获得探索新城市的机会,同时学习创新和迷人的信息, and all at the cost of just a couple breakfast meals, is certainly one that is rare to come by. 在我去堪萨斯城的全国大学荣誉委员会(NCHC)的旅途中, 密苏里州, 然而, that exceptional occasion is exactly what was presented to me. I traveled with my Honors Contemporary Civilization professor, Mrs. 月桂史密斯, 将于10月20日至23日前往堪萨斯城参加吸引人且内容丰富的会议, serve as a student moderator, and explore the city."

  • - Jordan Hertau, Honors Program member

  • “我刚刚被评为2009-2010年度全美杰出学术奖. I was also the only student, 也是该校唯一一位获得这一荣誉和奖项的国际学生.  然而,, I know i would not be able to get it without you, who always teach me patiently, have my back  and support me always. 因此, may this honor not be mine, but to all the other people who have, 无论发生什么,他都会永远爱我,支持我."

  • - Eva Lam, Phi Theta Kappa member

感兴趣 in meeting other students in Honors Program? Check out the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at http://www.ptk.org/.

Contact Information


Honors Program Director
Assistant Professor of English

电话: 812-575-0595

电子邮件: cfaulk@mogrenlandscape.com

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